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The participant application and host registration for the 2026 SZNet US & Chile Exchange Program is coming soon. Learn more about becoming a host by clicking the link below!


SZNet Chile & US Exchange Program

A research opportunity to build international collaboration


USA and Chile

The participant application for the 2026 iteration of this program will open in June.


To foster international collaboration and provide critical research opportunities for students and early career scientists 


DATES: Up to 31 days, between January and December 2026


WHAT:  A month-long independent research opportunity for U.S. and Chilean based students or early career scientists (within 3 years of receiving last degree) with labs, observatories, field sites, or other scientific institutions with similar research interests goals in the partner country. This exchange will provide funds for these scientists to visit the host institution in partner countries for up to 31 days. 


FUNDING: Participant support for travel, food, and lodging is available through SZNet which is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation AccelNet program under award 2301732. Funding is limited to 5 participants.

Regardless of whether an applicant is selected to receive funding, SZNet believes that meaningful collaborations between interested hosts and participants are still possible. After decisions are sent out we recommend that hosts and applicants discuss potential other funding options or collaboration oportunities.

GOALS: To develop and nurture an international and diverse network of early career scientists that is equipped to make the necessary breakthroughs in the study of subduction and foster international collaboration.

WHO SHOULD APPLY: Open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as early career scientists (within 3 years of receiving your last degree) based or currently enrolled in U.S. and Chilean institutions interested in subduction zone science. U.S. based applicants are invited to apply to Chilean institutions, and reciprocally, Chilean based applicants to apply to U.S. institutions. 


  • Please review the timeline below for information about the application process. 

  • Scientists and institutions interested in hosting participants as part of this exchange can register and will be highlighted below.

  • Applicants have two options for selecting a host:

  1. Applicants without existing research contacts or relationships in the partner country can use the list of registered host below to find a potential collaborator who aligns with their research interests. Participants should reach out to this prospective host to define a project.

  2.   Applicants with an existing with a scientist or institution in the partner country are welcome to apply to work with that scientists/institution,  regardless of whether that scientists has registered as a prospective host. Applicants should work with their host to define a project and fill out the participant application as normal.

  •  Each applicant must submit a letter of collaboration from their chosen host indicating that they have discussed potential projects together. Past experience shows that applicants who discuss projects with their host prior to completing the application fare better in the review process.

APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: Applications will in June and will be accessible through the SZ4D website. The application portal will prompt applicants to discuss their proposed project, scientific interests, and their career trajectory and goals. The form will also require applicants to upload a CV (in a .pdf format) and a letter of collaboration from their chosen host institution.
Applicants can review the application questions and rubric prior to the application period here.

2025 - 2026 Timeline

April 1 - June 1

Host Registration Period

Hosts without an identified participant can register to be highlighted on the website prior to the start of the participant application period. Participants should peruse this list periodically and reach out to hosts they would like to work with.

June 1 - Oct 1

Participant Application Period

Participants can apply to work a host they have identified from the list below, or can apply to work with a host they already know. 


Review Period

Participant applications are reviewed by the Exchange Program Subcommittee. Hosts and participant pairs will be notified of the outcome of their application. 


Exchange Period

SZNet will provide funding for lodging, food, and travel for to 28 days anytime in 2026. SZNet will also provide logistical and administrative support.

Host Institution List

Host Institutions

Below are the institutions who registered as potential hosts for the 2025 Exchange year. 

Host registration for the 2026 Exchange will open soon. Learn more about the process on our host information page

Click on each host to see more information about their research interests and current projects.

Institution Name
Institution Country
Morphotectonics, thermochronology, cosmogenic isotopes.
Maria Pia Rodriguez
Universidad Andrés Bello
InSAR, volcanology, active tectonics, glaciology
Francisco Delgado
Universidad de Chile
Earthquake, subduction, Chile
Sergio Ruiz, Raúl Madariaga, Juan Carlos Baez, Leoncio Cabrera, Bertrand Potin, Kellen Azua & Javier Ojeda
Universidad de Chile
Petrology, field geology, mesozoic, Andes
Verónica Oliveros and Paulina Vásquez
Universidad de Concepcion
Chilean seismotectonics, postseismic relaxation, spatio-temporal charaterization of seismicity, geological interpretation
Andrés Tassara
Universidad de Concepción
Landslide, Early Warning System, Landslide triggering conditions, Volcanic soils
Ivo Fustos-Toribio
Universidad de La Frontera
Petrological studies; volatiles in magma; volcanic gases
Yves Moussallam
Columbia University
United States
InSAR, hyperarid, saline soils
Rowena Lohman
Cornell University
United States
Volcanoes; Eruption forecasting; Eruption dynamics; Magma storage and ascent;
Einat Lev, Terry Plank, Conor Bacon
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
United States
Earthquake detection, machine learning
Shawn Wei
Michigan State University
United States
Explosive volcanism, volatiles, petrology, geochemistry
Madison Myers & Behnaz Hosseini
Montana State University
United States
Seismogenic deformation, frictional melts
Eric C. Ferre
New Mexico State University
United States
Satellite geodesy, modeling, active volcanoes
Christelle Wauthier
Penn State University
United States
Fault rheology, phyllosilicate deformation, pressure solution rheology, permeability
Melodie French
Rice University
United States
Seismic structure; thermal and compositional variations; continental dynamics;
Weisen Shen
Stony Brook University
United States
Seismology, geodynamics
Thorsten Becker
The University of Texas at Austin
United States
Volcanology, rheology, lava flows, materials science
Alan Whittington
The University of Texas at San Antonio
United States
Subduction, rheology, lithosphere deformation, modeling
Magali Billen
University of California at Davis
United States
Earthquake seismology, dynamic triggering
Wenyuan Fan
University of California, San Diego
United States
landslide, liquefaction, sinkhole, engineering seismology, machine learning
Weiwei Zhan
University of Central Florida
United States
geodesy, slow slip, aseismic slip, geodetic inversion, inverse theory
Noel Jackson
University of Kansas
United States
Crystal records, mineral chemistry, magmatic processes, eruption lead-up
Philipp Ruprecht, Joel Scheingross, Thomas Giachetti
University of Nevada, Reno
United States
Tsunamis, rupture modeling, GNSS, machine learning, early warning
Diego Melgar
University of Oregon
United States
Volcanology, tephra, explosive eruption
Thomas Giachetti
University of Oregon
United States
Global Seismology, Earth Structure, Earth Interior
Daniel Frost
University of South Carolina
United States
Air-Sea Interactions, Ocean Surface Waves, Marine Renewable Energies
Kianoosh Yousefi
University of Texas at Dallas
United States
Soil Contamination, Climate change, Metals Release and Mobility
Layla Izadi
University of Texas at Dallas
United States
Seafloor geodesy, fault locking, crustal deformation
David Schmidt
University of Washington
United States
Rock Deformation, Fault Friction, Earthquake Mechanics, Granular Processes, Machine Learning Applications to Earthquakes
Srisharan Shreedharan
Utah State University
United States
2024 Participants
Leoncio Cabrera | Universidad de Chile

Leoncio is a Chilean seismologist working on the study of fault mechanics, volcanic processes and glacier dynamics. He  earned his PhD at the Institut des Sciences de la Terre (ISTerre) in France, and, after graduating in 2023, he joined as a researcher at the Department of Geophysics of the Universidad de Chile. In my free time, he enjoys mountaineering and climbing.

Nate Klema | Fort Lewis College

Nathaniel (Nate) Klema is currently an Assistant Professor of Physics and Engineering at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. USA.  His research focuses on the surface expression of persistent magmatism, and how topography can be leveraged to understand long-term magma dynamics.  He is especially interested in developing surface classification methods based in formal surface theory to be used in geomorphic transport models in volcanic terrains.


Stephanie McNamara | University of Colorado at Boulder

Stephanie McNamara is a rising second-year geophysics graduate student working with Dr. Nathalie Vriend at the University of Colorado at Boulder. She is passionate about the intersection of natural environments and human infrastructure and her thesis work will be on dune migration. In addition to (geo)physics, Stephanie loves art, animals, and the great outdoors.

Javier Ojeda | Universidad de Chile

Javier Ojeda is a Geophysicist with a BSc and MSc degree, currently pursuing a PhD in Earth Sciences at the Universidad de Chile and the Institute de Physique du Globe de Paris. Their recent research focuses on understanding fault slip dynamics, leveraging seismological and geodetic observations. In his spare time, he loves playing basketball, going to the sea, and volunteering with the NGO Fundación Geonautas. More info can be found at his research site.


Flavia Rojas Guzmán | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Flavia Rojas Guzmán is a Geotechnical Civil Engineer who recently finished her Master's in Geosciences, where she worked researching the processes that trigger changes in eruptive styles in one of the many active volcanoes in the Andes: Nevados de Chillán. Now she is still working on this volcano, as a research assistant for a FONDECYT project that addresses the nature of fault intersections and their role in magma migration within the shallow crust during the different stages of the subduction seismic cycle. One of the ways they are studying this is through numerical modelling, which she came to learn on my exchange at The Ohio State University, working with Ashley Griffith. She is very happy and grateful for the opportunity. She strongly believes that international collaboration is key in scientific research, as it allows scientists to produce better results and move forward more creatively in answering our scientific questions.

2024 Participants
Alexandra Daniels | Boise State University

Camila Monge | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Zulay Micaela Villarroel Barreno | Universidad de Chile

Lucas Crisosto | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Karissa Vermillion | University of Houston

Map of registered host institutions for the 2025 Exchange year.

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