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Postcards from the Field

Stories and Insights from SZ4D Field Trip Participants

Meet the participants from the 2025 SZ4D International Field Trip in Chile.

Over ten days, 25 geoscientists from around the world came together to better understand the the intersection of magmatism, tectonism, and mass mobilization in central Chile. The team crossed Chile from east to west at approximately 35 degrees South (~150 km south of Santiago),  beginning in the (volcanic) cordillera and making stops in Chile's central valley and coastal regions exploring stratigraphic exposures and landform.

Their Postcards from the Field capture the discoveries, challenges, and camaraderie that made this expedition both scientifically enriching and personally rewarding. Dive in to hear their unique perspectives and reflections!

Field organizers: Felipe Aron (Universidad de Chile)l; George Hilley (Stanford University); Geoff Abers (Cornell University); Andres Tassara (Universidad de Concepción); Luis Franco (SERNAGEOMIN); Gabriela Pedreros (SERNAGEOMIN); Jose Antonio Naranjo (SERNAGEOMIN); Bladimir Saldaña Valdés (Universidad de Concepción)

Field Trip Cohort: Giorgio Arriga (University of Roma Tre); Alexandra Daniels (Boise State University); Mariano Agusto (Universidad de Buenos Aires); Jeremias Likerman (UBA-CONICET); Diana Roman (Carnegie Science); Grant Long (Stanford University); Morgan Adamson (University of California, Santa Barbara); Ian Wynn (University of Hawai'i at Manoa); Jonathan Delph (Purdue University); Pamela Paz Jara (Universidad de Santiago de Chile); Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland (University of Tennessee, Knoxville); Sofía Belén Iannelli (Instituto de Estudios Andinos (University of Buenos Aires - National Council on Scientific and Technical Research); Tomas Capaldi (University of California San Diego - Scripps Institution of Oceanography); Ignacio Sepulveda (San Diego State University); Sarah Jaye Oliva (Universidad de Chile)
Maria Pia Rodriguez (Universidad Andrés Bello); Mauricio Espinoza (Universidad de Concepcion)

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Pamela Paz Jara M.

Associate Professor
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Structural Geology and Tectonics, Analogue Modeling

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Participating in the SZ4D field trip was an unforgettable experience, a blend of science, stunning landscapes, and amazing people. Exploring one of the most tectonically active regions on the planet with a diverse group of geoscientists was truly inspiring.
As a Chilean, I see the Andes Mountains from my window every day. However, traveling through our lands with colleagues from around the world and across different disciplines made the experience even more enriching. The Central Andes served as a perfect natural laboratory, where discussing field challenges, exchanging ideas, and connecting across different disciplines opened new perspectives and opportunities for future collaborations.
But beyond the science, what made this trip truly special was the people. The academic level was outstanding, but the group itself was made up of incredible individuals, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of them. The atmosphere was warm and filled with engaging conversations, whether we were debating an outcrop or simply enjoying a well-deserved break after a long day.
This trip, for me, was a perfect reminder of why we do what we do and why we love Earth science.

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Giorgio Arriga

Graduate Student
University of Roma Tre

Structural Geology


Hi! I'm Giorgio, a postdoctoral researcher at Roma Tre University, Italy. When a colleague told me about a multidisciplinary field trip in Chile, I immediately wrote the project and applied without hesitation, driven by the excitement of this adventure. As a structural geologist, I expected to witness some of the most spectacular natural features of active deformation and volcanoes, and, in fact, it exceeded my expectations! Being part of the SZ4D Chile field trip was an incredible experience, both personally and professionally. This opportunity allowed me to meet amazing researchers from all over the world and exchange ideas and discussions directly in the field, in one of the most geologically fascinating areas in the world. I learned so much from this field trip, it was an incredible chance to explore new research opportunities and witness in first person how new collaborations take shape. This experience was truly inspiring, it broadened my perspective and made me even more excited for future research.

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Mauricio Espinoza

Assistant Professor

Universidad de Concepción

Structural geology, Basin Analysis, Geo-Thermochronology

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 Fieldwork has always been central to my research, and this experience in the Chilean Principal Cordillera was truly inspiring. From the moment I learned about the opportunity, I knew I wanted to be part of it. As a structural geologist, I have spent years studying this mountain range, yet joining an interdisciplinary and international team provided fresh perspectives in unexpected ways.
      One of the most rewarding aspects was engaging with researchers from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique insights. Questions I had been considering for years took on new dimensions, and collaborative discussions sparked fresh ideas, prompting me to reassess familiar structures with renewed curiosity.
      Beyond the scientific benefits, the camaraderie among participants made the experience even more meaningful. Despite the usual logistical challenges of fieldwork, everything was well-organized, and the welcoming atmosphere fostered valuable exchanges.
      This experience reinforced my belief that some of the biggest questions in geoscience—those at the intersection of different processes—are still waiting to be explored. I left the field with a deeper appreciation for interdisciplinary collaboration and a renewed drive to pursue these ideas in my research.

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Morgan Adamson

Graduate Student

University of California, Santa Barbara

Geochronology, Tectonics, Structural Geology

I am Morgan Adamson, a first-year PhD student at the University of California, Santa Barbara, specializing in collisional tectonics through high-precision petrochronology. Participating in the SZ4D Chile Field Trip was an invaluable experience and simply a dream come true. As a first-year graduate student, I initially questioned whether I belonged on such a prestigious and interdisciplinary trip. However, thanks to the incredible mentorship of our trip leaders and the support of accomplished participants, I found a strong sense of belonging among my peers through a positive learning environment fostered by all.
Learning in real time from experts in their respective fields while surrounded by world-class geology was an unforgettable experience that significantly enriched my geoscience education and professional growth. This trip reinforced my passion for field geology and helped me clarify the kind of geologist I aspire to be. Witnessing Earth's dynamic landscapes and absorbing the energy of others’ enthusiasm for the natural world renewed my sense of purpose and direction in my career.
Beyond deepening my understanding of geological processes, this experience also expanded my thinking about the Earth's evolving systems. It challenged me to shift my perspective toward broader-scale processes that control deformation and to appreciate the diverse ways stress and collision are accommodated. As a field geologist primarily focused on hard rocks, I gained a newfound appreciation for geomorphological expressions that hint at a region’s deeper tectonic history—an aspect I had never fully acknowledged before. This insight will undoubtedly enhance my ability to interpret the field more holistically.
Looking ahead, I hope to carry forward the knowledge, connections, and inspiration gained from this trip. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn from such brilliant participants, many of whom I admire and look up to. Their guidance and camaraderie have played a pivotal role in my growth as both a researcher and a geologist, and I look forward to applying these insights in my ongoing work.

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Chelsea Mackaman-Lofland

Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Structural Geology & Tectonic







and a lot of my development as a geologist has come from reading new and classic works by Chilean and Argentine scientists – but until participating on the SZ4D Chile field trip, I really hadn't seen the Chilean flank of the orogen.


The SZ4D field trip was transformative for me, because in addition to being able to see, interact, and learn from spectacular field sites spanning the spine of the Andes to the coast, I was able to meet many of the people whose work has so inspired and shaped me as a scientist. The coordinators did a fantastic job of cultivating a group with wide-ranging research experiences and interests. I am beyond excited by the new connections, opportunities, and ideas that this trip has helped catalyze!

Hi everyone, this is Chelsea from the University of Tennessee. I've spent the last 10 years (from the start of my PhD to now!) studying how structures, landscapes, and sedimentary basins in the South American retroarc respond to changes in subduction geodynamics. I've had the privilege to work in some spectacular areas on the Argentina side of the Andes,

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Sarah Jaye Oliva

Assistant Professor
Universidad de Chile


The SZNet field trip across Chile was an amazing opportunity to explore Earth processes in a source-to-sink fashion, tracing the journey of materials from the volcanic arc in the east towards the coast in the west. Generally, my research interests lie in phenomena within the crust (faulting and magmatism) and this field trip allowed me not only to visit fascinating sites related to those, but it also expanded my horizons and challenged me to see a bigger picture. In particular, I rarely ever think of surface processes and sedimentation, but this field trip really helped me learn more about them and appreciate everything it takes to bring material from the volcanic arc and down to the trench. 

The photo shows colleagues examining coastal cliffs with the Pacific ocean in the background. On the left, Morgan takes measurements, while Ignacio and Jonathan discuss their observations on the right. That day, we split into groups to explore the geology and find the contact between basement rock (the dark rocks jutting out of the beach in the background) and the sedimentary units (the lighter rocks of the cliff in the foregraund). It was a fun and engaging field exercise, with amazing views to boot!

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Ian Wynn

Graduate Student
University of Hawai'i at Manoa



Hello, my name is Ian Wynn, a PhD student at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. My research focuses on seismic imaging of arc volcanic systems at the Aleutian Island Arc, driven by a deep interest in fundamental arc magma processes and crustal structure. This made attending the SZ4D Chile Field Trip a particularly special experience.

Growing up in Plains, Georgia—where active tectonics (or topography of any kind) is virtually nonexistent—I had little exposure to dynamic geological processes. Moving to Hawai‘i to study seismic imaging at arc volcanoes allowed me to explore subduction zones through research papers, lines of code, and seismic interpretations of ‘red and blue rocks.’ However, I had minimal field experience at an active margin, which meant that the SZ4D trip was a perfect fit. Offering an invaluable opportunity to see Chilean geology firsthand, the SZ4D trip helped me firsthand experience in connecting the many disciplines that shape our understanding of arc systems. More than just a scientific experience, it provided a tangible connection to the landscapes, people, and communities affected by subduction zone processes.

This trip has already sparked numerous research ideas—some for myself and others that I hope to explore collaboratively. The emphasis on international partnership resonated deeply with me, reinforcing my commitment to fostering scientific cooperation across borders - and an awareness of the indifference of subduction zone hazards to political boundaries. Finally, what made this trip truly unforgettable was the people. The personal and professional relationships formed during those nine days in the field will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

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