Fostering international collaboration and communication between active science networks studying subduction zone geohazards.
The study of subduction zones requires comparison across regions to allow for insights about the controlling factors of the tectonic, volcanic and landscape systems.
SZNet - the international collaboration component of SZ4D - is a coordination network for an international community studying subduction zone geohazards. SZNet has been created to connect existing regional networks and provide a unified framework when studying these hazards. SZNet is currently composed of 14 networks across 5 continents with a particular emphasis on improving observations in Chile, which hosts one of the world’s most geologically active and accessible subduction zones. As such, SZNet has three main missions:
to compare observations of subduction zones around the globe with a common dataset and understanding,
to cooperate to consistently instrument critical subduction zones that can provide key and transferrable insights, and
to develop and nurture an international and diverse cadre of early career scientists that is equipped to make the necessary breakthroughs.
In pursuit of these missions SZNet will host a variety of activities including workshops, webinars, data exchanges, field schools, pilot projects and student exchanges. Planned activities and milestones are summarized in the table below, and are organized around SZNet's 3 main missions.
SZNet is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation AccelNet program under award 2301732.

Activities & Events

SZNet 2025 Chile Field Trip
A cohort of 25 scientists participated in a 10-day interdisciplinary and international field trip crossing Chile from cordillera to coast. This trip aimed to foster scientific collaboration and offer an opportunity for international scientists from a variety of fields of study to receive a comprehensive introduction to Chilean geology.
SZNet Virtual Workshop | Subduction Zone Time Series Legacy Data
A conversation about existing historic datasets, data archival needs, and available archival resources. Watch recorded talks and learn about resources available to the international community.
Do you have a dataset you want to make accessible but need support? Let us know! Learn more below

SZNet Ocean Floor Observational Technology Workshop
Over 80 international scientists gathered in Santiago Chile to Exchange state-of-the-art technical information, and current observational capabilities and discuss needed instrumental advances and knowledge gaps. This workshop helped promote future collaborations and cooperative experiments.

Virtual Workshop Series
SZNet hosts a virtual international workshop series and a virtual webinar series aimed at offering the scientific community a space to discuss important questions and collaborate with international colleagues
Keep an eye on this space to learn more! New workshops and webinars are announced periodically.
2024 Cascadia Field Trip
A cohort of 22 scientists participated in a 9-day interdisciplinary international field trip and data collection opportunity in the southern Cascadia Subduction Zone. This trip aimed to foster scientific collaboration and offer an opportunity for opportunity for team-based field data collection. Learn more below.

SZNet Virtual Workshop | Rheology and Stress
A conversation about the role of rheology and stress in subduction zone systems.
How does the rheology of subduction zone materials influence the partitioning of stress and strain, and how does this control the nature of hazards across the subduction zone system?
Watch the meeting recordings by clicking the links below.
SZNet Calendar
All times are US Pacific Time.
Member Networks
SZNet is managed by a Coordinating Committee composed of one representative from each member network.
Interested in becoming a member network? Please reach out to for more information on how to join.
SZNet member networks listed in alphabetical order
Former Networks
Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C- CIES) | An interdisciplinary research center led by the University of Texas, El Paso with 18 collaborating institutions that embodies a collective impact framework to improve understanding of earthquakes and associated hazards in an equitable, accessible, and sustainable manner. |