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2025 Chile Field Trip: Participant Application Form

Deadline for Submission: October 21st, 2024

Applications submitted after this date will not be considered.

Si prefiere enviar una solicitud en español, contáctenos en

Thank you for your interest in participating in the 2025 Chile Field Trip. This trip aims to foster collaboration among scientists of different nationalities and career stages and offer an opportunity for participants to receive a comprehensive introduction to Chilean geology. Participants will traverse a transect of the Chilean subduction zone from source to sink, to explore the intersection of magmatism, tectonism, and mass mobilization in central Chile.

This field trip open to both US and non-US scientists at any career stage interested in cross-disciplinary approaches to researching subduction systems. We encourage scientific backgrounds with interdisciplinary interests in volcanology, structural geology, geomorphology, and seismo-tectonics.  All participants will be given opportunities to share their work and interests.  Scientific conversations will be conducted primarily in English, however most field trip leaders will speak both English and Spanish.

Applications will be reviewed by field trip leaders and the Field Trip Subcommittee. Successful applicants will be notified in early November. 

Field Trip Dates: January 17-27, 2025

Application Deadline: October 21, 2024

Eligibility: This trip is open to students and scientists at any career stage.

Participant Support: Participant can apply for full or partial support for travel, food, lodging and field supplies. These funds are available through SZNet which is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation AccelNet program under award 2301732.

The application for full or partial travel support is at the end of this application.

Applicants applying for partial travel assistance can opt to either cover their own meals and lodging (approximately $900 total) or their own flight expenses (cost variable depending on origin).

Participant Notification: Decisions will be sent out in November.

Questions? Email

If you need to edit your application after submitting, please contact the SZNet Project Coordinator at


Applicant Information

At what type of institution are you affiliated with?
Private Sector
What is your current career stage?
MS student
PhD student
Early career scientist (within 10 years of receiving last degree)
Mid career scientist (10-20 years of receiving las degree)
Advanced career scientist (20+ years of receiving last degree)
What is your highest degree achieved?
Associate’s degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Doctoral degree

Demographic Information

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