Collective Impact Committee
Identify and sustain scientific priorities and broader impacts by coordinating the scientific and capacity building activities of SZ4D
The Collective Impact Committee (CIC) supports scientific priorities and broader impacts by monitoring SZ4D scientific and capacity building activities and advising the Steering Committee on ways to better meet SZ4D’s Collective Impact goals, such as redistributing resources. The CIC is composed of representatives from each of the active members of disciplinary communities, Integrative Groups, and Facility committees. Expertise in science relevance to agencies beyond NSF are included in this committee (e.g., NASA, USGS, NOAA). Co-chairs of the CIC will regularly report to the SC.

Collective Impact Committee Charge
Priorities and Coordination
It will seek to identify and sustain scientific priorities and broader impacts by coordinating the scientific and capacity building activities of SZ4D
It will help make recommendations for establishing programmatic funding
Assessment of Impact
The group will have access to and monitor activities across the SZ4D structure and present to Steering Committee whether goals are being accomplished and propose changes needed to increase Collective Impact such as a change in resources
Reporting & Communication
Provides guidance to the Steering Committee by drawing on input front he working groups and integrative groups
CIC will regularly report to the Steering Committee
Roles of CIC in Accomplishing BECG Implementation Plan
Coordination of Partnerships
Organize a workshop with representatives from other international capacity building efforts, pre- and post-surveys, breakout discussions
Organize a workshop to better establish partnerships with education and outreach programs (e.g., NAGT, SERC) and those at affiliated organizations (e.g., EarthScope, OpenTopography, CSDMS, state surveys)
Organizes workshops to connect and equip PIs for successful interdisciplinary research including scaffolding for being an effective collaborator
Coordinates year-long communities of practice to engage a broad swath of the science community in development of Collective Impact framework
Identifying Priorities
Community of practice outcomes presented to SZ4D governance for decisions about implementing recommendations
Commission additional community of practice topics with outcomes and deliverables defined in advance
Identify potential connections to existing efforts for matchmaking and share points of contact
Meet with government hazard agencies in focus areas to identify key community vulnerabilities, seeking to compile recommendations on how SZ4D can contribute
Leverage ongoing NAGT and SERC activities to better incorporate GeoEd research into SZ4D PI professional development
Assessment of Impact
Evaluate how SZ4D is contributing to FAIR data at regular intervals
Cross-cultural and implicit bias training evaluated by CIC at regular intervals
Monitor participation in communities of practice and assess outcomes
Annually assess the balance of BECG efforts and recruit collaborations for under-represented activities
Coordinating SZ4D Proposals
The Collective Impact Committee is designed to help coordinate SZ4D science and outreach efforts in the current absence of a dedicated funding program. PIs are encouraged to contact the CIC to discuss opportunities for coordination. As PIs consider proposals to build components of SZ4D, the CIC has developed an initial set of questions to help PIs design proposals that coordinate with SZ4D. When it comes to designing efforts to accomplish broader impacts that are aligned with SZ4D, the BECG chapter of the Implementation Plan is currently the best starting point.
If your proposal involves a workshop that might require SZ4D staff assistance, please contact us so that we can coordinate an appropriate budget to help you.
Committee Members
Matt Brueseke | Kansas State University | brueseke@ksu.edu | |
Ahmed Elbanna | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | elbanna2@illinois.edu | |
Gabe Epstein | University of Washington | gepstein@uw.edu | |
Harold Tobin | University of Washington | htobin@uw.edu | |
Aaron Wech | US Geological Survey | awech@usgs.gov | |
Philipp Ruprecht* | University of Nevada Reno | pruprecht@unr.edu | |
William Frank | MIT | wfrank@mit.edu | |
Joe Dufek | University of Oregon | jdufek@uoregon.edu | |
Mike Brudzinski | Miami University of Ohio | brudzimr@miamioh.edu | |
Magali Billen* | UC Davis | mibillen@ucdavis.edu |
*Group Co-Chairs