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Virtual Workshop

Subduction Zone Time Series Legacy Data

October 28 - 30, 2024



To initiate a dialogue within the international scientific community about unarchived time series data that could benefit from public, open access and identify the common barriers to archiving.

DATES: The virtual workshops will scheduled over the course of the week of October 28th to accommodate busy schedules and diverse time zones.

GOALS:  SZNet's Virtual Workshop on Subduction Zone Time Series Legacy Data aims to start a conversation among the scientific community about unarchived data that could benefit from public, open access. For the purpose of this workshop, the focus will be on time series data relevant to subduction zones geohazards such as regional seismic or geodetic data. These data types share some common problems and can benefit from a conversation about a common solution. The outcomes will be twofold:

  1. Identify and curate a list of existing unarchived/inaccessible time series data that could be of benefit to the subduction zone geohazards community if openly available.   

    1.  Identify potential significance of datasets

    2.  Identify major hurdles to archiving specific to each dataset

    3.  Propose, where possible, potential solutions

  2. Disseminate information from major data Centers on archiving policies, procedures and associated costs, where applicable.

STRUCTURE: This virtual workshop will be scheduled over the course of a week to accommodate busy schedules and diverse time zones. Translated close captions will be available for all events. Workshop events will include keynote talks, short talks, and discussion sessions. A detailed agenda will be released prior to the event.

  • Keynote presentations: Keynote talks from representatives of archival organizations discussing existing archiving resources, archival guidelines, costs, barriers to archiving. A detailed list of keynote presentations will be published prior to the event.

  • Short talks: Short talks from members of the international scientific community studying subduction zone geohazards discussing existing inaccessible time series datasets that would benefit from public, open access. These talks will also address the data's scientific import and the issues involved in their archiving. Register to give a short talk here.

  • Topical Discussions Sessions: Focused group discussions on topics of interest to the community. A list of discussion topics and a schedule will ​be published prior to the event.

REGISTRATION: This event is open to all, but registration is required to get access to the meeting and webinar links.

Register here to attend this virtual workshop!


Bernd Schurr - IPOC

John Power - USGS

Helen Janiszewski - Univeristy of Hawaii, Mānoa

Lorraine Hwang - University of California, Davis

Melodie French - Rice University

Jerry Carter - EarthScope

Carlos Cardona - Sernageomin/OVDAS


DAY 1 - October 28, 2024

All times in UTC

15:45-16:00 | Introduction from Helen Janiszewski

16:00-17:30 | KEYNOTES from Archival Organizations |

  • Benoit Taisne and Christina Widiwijayanti (WOVODat) | WOVOdat and GVMID Global volcano monitoring database: challenges in populating, maintaining, promoting and using.

  • Jerry Carter (EarthScope) | SZNet & EarthScope

17:30 -19:00 | Series of short talks (10min + 5min Q&A)

  • Reed Burgette (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries) | Historic tide gauge and leveling data for long records of vertical deformation at the Cascadia subduction zone

  • Ray Cakir (Washington Geological Survey) | Subsurface Database for Geoscience and Engineering Studies

  • Sarah Ogburn (USGS) | Observational eruption chronology data for forecasting: from epic poetry to modern observatory reports

  • David Essing (Ruhr-University Bochum) | Unarchived Data Prospects from Large-Scale Seismic Deployments at the Hellenic Subduction System

  • Heather DeShon (OBS Costa Rica) | Legacy OBS data: the Costa Rica CRSEIZE dataset 1999-2001

DAY 2 - October 29, 2024

15:00-16:15 | KEYNOTE KEYNOTES from Archival Organizations

  • Tim Ahern (IRIS Emeritus) | Federation of Online Legacy Data in Seismology (FOLDS)

  • Christos Evangelidis (ORFEUS) | The European Integrated Data Archive within ORFEUS (and how it could be used to host legacy data).

16:30-17:30 | Series of short talks from Chilean Scientists (10min + 5min Q&A)

  • Diego Rios (OVDAS) | RNVV Multiparametric Database. A look at the current state

  • Tania Villasenor (Universidad de O'Higgins) | Assessing available datasets for the study of sediment cascades in Chile

  • Juan Carlos Báez & Felipe Leyton Flórez (National Seismological Center) | Over Three Decades of GNSS Observations in Chile: Insights into Understanding the Seismic Cycle

  • Catalina Fortuño (Chilean Institute for Disaster Resilience) | Data for Resilience


18:00-19:00 | DISCUSSION SESSION | Archiving challenges: Preparation, Delivery, Metadata requirements, Access

Leaders: Carlos Cardona & Jerry Carter

DAY 3 - October 30, 2024

15:00 -16:30 |  Series of short talks from on paper records (10min + 5min Q&A)

  • Sergio Leon-Rios (Advanced Mining Technology Center - Universidad de Chile) | Decoding the narrative of the Chilean coup d'état through the seismograms of September 1973 

  • John Ebel (Weston Observatory; Boston College) | On Digitizing the Paper Seismograms of Weston Observatory of Boston College

  • Sergio Ruiz (Universidad de Chile) | Old paper seismograms of some Chilean earthquakes.

  • Wilfried Strauch (Instituto Nicaragüense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) | Status of the analog film recordings of the Nicaraguan seismic network, 1975-1990

  • Thomas Lee (Princeton University) | Legacy Seismic Data at HRV

16:30-17:00 | DISCUSSION SESSION | Physical Records

Leaders: John Power & Lorraine Hwang

17:00-18:00 | DISCUSSION SESSION | Steps forward: Potential Solutions to Community Archival Needs  ( report backs + 30 min)

Leaders:  Juan Carlos Báez & Emily Brodsky

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