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In-Person Workshop

SZNet Ocean Floor Observational Technology Workshop

January 15 - 16, 2025

Auditorium Enrique d'Etigny, Santiago, Chile

Read talk and poster abstracts here.


To develop a global knowledge base of technical capabilities and opportunities in seafloor geodesy and seismology.

GOALS:  The SZNet Ocean Floor Observational Technology Workshop aims to address the issue of ocean floor instrumentation which is a key component of multiple of our participating networks’ efforts around the world. The purpose is to develop a global knowledge base of technical capabilities and opportunities in seafloor geodesy and seismology based on the need identified in the SZ4D Implementation report.

  1. Exchange state-of-the-art technical information as well as current observational capabilities.

  2. Highlight needed instrumental advances and knowledge gaps.

  3. Promote collaborations and cooperative experiments.

  4. Generate a workshop report: The organizing committee will produce a 2-3 page document listing primary outcomes of the workshop conversations, specifically highlighting needs of the community to help target the focus of future efforts.

STRUCTURE: This workshop will be scheduled over the course of two days in conjunction with other events that week organized by the science of slow to fast earthquakes network. This format is intended to leverage the resources of both organizations to increase attendance and reach.

The schedule of events is as follows:

January 11-12: Pre-workshop field trip (organized by Slow to Fast EQ)

January 13-14: Slow-to-Fast Earthquake Workshop

January 15-16: SZNet Ocean Floor Observational Technology Workshop

January 17: Single Day Field Trip to SHOA and Valparaíso (Co-Organized)

A detailed agenda is below.

LODGING and FOOD: Workshop participants should book their own lodging. Coffee and lunch will be provided for both days of the SZNet workshop. Workshop participants are responsible for all other meals. For information on travel assistance and funding, please see below.

LOCATION: Auditorium Enrique d'Etigny 

Beauchef 851, Santiago, Chile

This venue is provided by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Universidad de Chile. Many thanks to DGF for collaborating with us on this workshop.

FUNDING:  Need-based support for travel, food, and lodging is available through SZNet which is supported by funding from the National Science Foundation AccelNet program under award 2301732. Opportunities to apply for funding will be available within the registration form.

REGISTRATION: Registration will be required for this event. Please check this space.


Laura Wallace - University of Texas, Austin & GEOMAR

Ignacio Sepulveda - San Diego State University

Marcos Moreno - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Wenyuan Fan - Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Eiichiro Araki - JAMSTEC & The Science of Slow to Fast Earthquakes Network


Read talk and poster abstracts here.

DAY 1 - JANUARY 15, 2025

All times are local

8:30-9AM | Welcome Coffee

9-9:15AM | WELCOME agenda overview and goals | Emily Brodsky, UCSC

9:15-10AM | KEYNOTE | Demian Saffer | University of Texas Institute for Geophysics

SESSION I: Long-term tectonic scales 

Read abstracts here.

10-11AM |  Series of 3 short talks

  • Talk 1 | Eduardo Contreras | Universidad de Chile

  • Talk 2 | Shawn Wei | Michigan State University

  • Talk 3 | Andrés Tassara | Universidad de Concepción

11:00-11:30AM | Coffee Break

11:30-12:10PM | Series of 3 short talks

  • Talk 4 | Jim Gaherty | Northern Arizona University

  • Talk 5 | Hajime Shiobara | ERI - University of Tokyo

12:10 - 12:30PM | Current state of SZ4D offshore array planning

  • Diana Roman - Carnegie Science

12:30-2:00PM | Lunch on site

SESSION 2: Interseismic 

Read abstracts here.

2:00-3:00PM | Series of 3 short talks

  • Talk 1 | Yusuke Yokota | IIS - University of Tokyo

  • Talk 2 | Erik Fredrickson | University of Texas Institute for Geophysics

  • Talk 3 | Yuya Machida | JAMSTEC

3:00-3:30PM | Coffee Break

3:30-4:30PM | Series of 3 short talks 

  • Talk 4 | David Schmidt | University of Washington

  • Talk 5 | Andy Newman | Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Talk 6 | Frederik Simons | Princeton University

4:30-5:30PM |  Discussion Breakout Session 1 

Workshop attendees will split into 3 groups for discussion focussing on observations for long-term tectonic scales. View the discussion session Prompts Here.

5:30PM | Poster Session and Coffee + Desserts

Read abstracts here.

Dinner on your own


8:30-9:15 | KEYNOTE | Daniel Melnick | Universidad Austral de Chile

  • SESSION 3 - Transient deformation and precursors 

9:15-10:15AM | Series of 3 short talks and questions

  • Talk 1 | Eiichiro Araki | JAMSTEC

  • Talk 2 | Marcos  Moreno | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

  • Talk 3 | Anne Socquet | ISTerre - Université Grenoble Alpes

10:15-10:45AM | Coffee Break

10:45-11:45AM | Series of 3 short talks 

  • Talk 4 | Laura Wallace | GEOMAR and UTIG

  • Talk 5 | Meng (Matt) Wei | University of Rhode Island, United States

  • Talk 6 | Noel Jackson | University of Kansas

11:45-12:15PM | Breakout Discussion 1 Report Backs

Group Picture

12:15-1:15PM | Lunch on site

  • SESSION 4 - co seismic rupture & tsunamis, landslides, and other hazards 

1:15-2:15PM | Series of 3 short talks

  • Talk 1 | Shun-Ichi Watanabe | Japan Coast Guard

  • Talk 2 | Masanao Shinohara | ERI - University of Tokyo

  • Talk 3 | Emile Okal | Northwestern University

2:15-3:15PM |  Discussion Breakout Session 2 

Workshop attendees will split into 3 groups for discussion of observations of transient deformation and precursors. View the discussion session prompts Here

3:15-3:30PM | Coffee Break

3:30-4:30PM | Series of 2 short talks 

  • Talk 4 | Emily Roland | Western Washington University

  • Talk 5 | Matías Carvajal  | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso 

  • Talk 6 | Helen Janiszewski | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa

4:30-5:30PM | Breakout Discussion 2 Report Backs and Plenary Discussion of Items to Highlight in Meeting Report

Meeting adjourn

This event is sponsored in part by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Universidad de Chile who is providing the venue free of charge. Many thanks to DGF for collaborating with us on this workshop.


Other Events

Please see below for a brief description of the other events featured alongside this workshop.

January 11-12: Pre-workshop field trip

This field trip is being organized by the Slow to Fast Earthquak Network. With any questions please visit the SFEQ website or contact them at Below is some premilinary information.

This trip involves a two day-long excursions to several field sites near Santiago, Chile.

Please note that due to bus capacity, participation on this trip is limited to 40 participants on a first come, first served basis.

Dates: January 11-12, 2025

Transportation: Bus transportation too and from field sites is provided. Meeting times and locations will be provided, along with a detailed schedule prior to the event.

Food: Food is not provided by trip organizers. Participants are expected to bring a packed lunch on both days of the trip.

Lodging: Lodging is not provided by event organizers. Participants are expected to book their own lodging in Santiago, Chile

Financial Assistance: No financial assistance is available for this event.

Tentative Schedule:

Day 1: Visit to the western piedmont of the Andes mountain front, focusing on the fault trace of the active San Ramón Fault (last major earthquake c.a. 8 ka).

Day 2: Explore a transect through the Cajón del Maipo valley, penetrating into the Andes, from the San Ramón Fault, in the west, to the vicinity of the San José volcano (last eruption in 1960), in the east. Several stops will be made along the way to observe geological units, structures, and geomorphic features to understand the evolution of the Andes.

January 13-14: Slow-to-Fast Earthquake Workshop

Dates: January 13-14, 2025


Auditorium Enrique d'Etigny 

Beauchef 851, Santiago, Chile

Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the Universidad de Chile.

Workshop Description: In recent years, our understanding of earthquakes has significantly changed. Not only have conventional earthquakes been studied, but various slow earthquakes have also been discovered, necessitating a reconstruction of earthquake science based on the comprehensive understanding on slow-to-fast earthquakes. Moreover, the importance of interdisciplinary research crossing over into the fields of geophysics, geology, and physics, as well as the adoption of new research methodologies in engineering and computer science, has become increasingly critical.

To deeply understand these phenomena, it is also effective to explore the controlling factors given their diversity. Notably, the seismogenesis in different subduction zones exhibits both similarities and differences. In particular, there is much to learn from comparative studies of earthquakes in Chile and Japan, where seismic activity is always high and earthquake disasters are a common social problem. This workshop will foster discussions into the latest insights on earthquake phenomena including slow earthquakes, therefore inviting future collaborative research.

For more information, please visit the SFEQ website or contact them at

Food: Coffee breaks are provided by workshop organizers. Participants are responsible for their own breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. An hour for lunch will be included in the workshop schedule.

Lodging: Lodging is not provided by event organizers. Participants are expected to book their own lodging in Santiago, Chile

Financial Assistance: No financial assistance is available for this event.

January 17: Single Day Field Trip to SHOA and Valparaíso

This trip will include a presentation from SHOA scientists about their effort in hydrography, oceanography, and tsunami warning. Participants will then be able to visit the National Tsunami Warning Center Operations room for an in-situ view of how they operate.

The trip will end with an unstructured afternoon where participants are welcome to explore the city of Valparaíso.

Please note that due to bus capacity, participation on this trip is limited to 40 participants on a first come, first served basis.

Please read the information below for more information about the details of this trip.

Dates: January 17, 2025

Transportation: Bus transportation to and from SHOA and Valparaíso is provided. Meeting times and locations will be provided, along with a detailed schedule prior to the event.

Food: Food is not provided by trip organizers. Participants are expected to bring a packed lunch, or can buy lunch in Valparaíso.

Lodging: Lodging is not provided by event organizers. Participants are expected to book their own lodging in Santiago, Chile

Financial Assistance: No financial assistance is available for this event.

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