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The SZ4D
Implementation Plan

The SZ4D Implementation Plan has been released in the Fall 2022.

The report, built and revised upon community input, lays out the key science priorities, focused field and laboratory infrastructure, modeling and computational capability, and building equity and capacity efforts.

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Implementation Plan

Download the full report or browse below to download individual sections


The report, based on community input, identifies the key infrastructure requirements and science activities needed to better understand geohazards and reduce their risks to society. The report lays out our ambitious plan to make major advances in understanding subduction zone hazards by bringing together a diverse community of scientists in a long-term collaborative effort, deploying new instrumentation in subduction zones, and developing more sophisticated and accurate models. 

Preferred Citation

Hilley, G. E. (ed.), Brodsky, E. E., Roman, D., Shillington, D. J., Brudzinski, M., Behn, M., Tobin, H. and the SZ4D RCN (2022). SZ4D Implementation Plan. Stanford Digital Repository.





We gratefully acknowledge the intellectual contributions of the 3400 participants in SZ4D activities between 2020-2022. The generous and deep commitment of the community has built this plan during some of the most difficult years of our personal and professional lives. SZ4D efforts have been supported under NSF grants EAR-1828096, EAR-1824343 and EAR-2221947.

This document is the final report of both the SZ4D RCN and the MCS RCN, which were supported under the first two of these awards.



Executive Summary

Scientific and societal rationale



Rationale for an SZ4D initiative


Crosscutting Science Themes

An integrated vision for subduction zone hazards


Faulting and Earthquake Cycles

When and where do large earthquakes happen?


Landscapes and Seascapes

How do subduction zones control surface hazard and landscape evolution?


Magmatic Drivers or Eruption

What controls the location of volcanoes and the occurrence of eruptions?


Building Equity and Capacity with Geoscience

Toward an inclusive science community and broader understanding of geohazards to address social justice and equity issues in hazard mitigation


Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction

Toward an integrative community framework for subduction zone models



Identifying SZ4D regions of special interest


Data and Technical Synergies

Building partnerships for an integrative SZ4D

Editing and Production


Ellen KappelEditing, Geosciences Professional Services Inc.

Anaïs Férot, Production, SZ4D UC Santa Cruz

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