Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction
Toward an integrative community framework for subduction zone models
The Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) is a community- and model-building effort to advance subduction zone science. In April 2022, the MCS and SZ4D RCNs officially joined under the overarching SZ4D umbrella, and MCS became one of the core facilities and activities of SZ4D.
The objective of MCS is to create new kinds of physics-based models for subduction zone hazards and apply them to understand fundamental physical processes, guide instrumentation deployments, interpret observations, and assess predictability of hazards. Specifically, MCS activities are built around the following overarching objectives:
Construct models that link subduction zone state and long-term margin evolution to the character and predictability of event occurrence
Integrate observational constraints into models, while simultaneously using models to define optimal observational strategies
Build physics-based, predictive models for volcano, earthquake, and geomorphic systems that are spatially and temporally coupled
Build a diverse and equitable community of scholars who are well versed in modern modeling tools
The MCS group works toward addressing the science questions posed by the SZ4D working groups.

Group Members
Francisco Delgado | Universidad de Chile, Santiago | fdelgado@uchile.cl | |
James Conder | Southern Illinois University | conder@geo.siu.edu | |
Jorge Crempien | Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile | jocrempiend@ing.puc.cl | |
John Naliboff | New Mexico Tech | john.naliboff@nmt.edu | |
Junle Jiang | University of Oklahoma | jiang@ou.edu | |
Margarete Jadamec | University at Buffalo | mjadamec@buffalo.edu | |
Leif Karlstrom* | University of Oregon | leif@uoregon.edu | |
Tushar Mittal | Penn State University | tmittal@psu.edu | |
Marcos Moreno | Universidad de Concepcion | marcosmoreno@udec.cl | |
Joyce Sim | Georgia Tech | jssim@eas.gatech.edu | |
Daniel Trugman | University of Nevada Reno | dtrugman@unr.edu | |
Meng Matt Wei Matt | University of Rhode Island | matt-wei@uri.edu | |
Penny Wieser | Berkeley | penny_wieser@berkeley.edu | |
Matthew Herman | California State University Bakersfield | mherman2@csub.edu | |
Guil Gualda | Vanderbilt | g.gualda@vanderbilt.edu | |
Sean Gallen | Colorado State University | sean.gallen@colostate.edu | |
Alice Gabriel* | UC San Diego | algabriel@ucsd.edu | |
Xuesong Ding | University of Texas | xuesong.ding@beg.utexas.edu | |
Mark Behn* | Boston College | mark.behn@bc.edu | |
Thorsten Becker | UTIG Austin | twb@ig.utexas.edu |
*Group Co-Chairs​