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Building SZ4D: Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction (MCS) RCN Townhall

May 13th, 2021 at 12 - 1:30 PM PDT

Zoom Webinar

The goal of the Townhall is to engage the subduction zone and wider geodynamics community (both modelers and observationalists) to review the current state of affairs of the MCS-RCN and MCS planning and get feedback on emergent plans for a potential MCS implementation. Specifically, we want to evaluate which of the envisioned MCS’s core capabilities are of the highest priority to the community and start the discussion of a proposed organizational structure for a future Modeling Collaboratory for Subduction Zone Science.


Anyone can provide feedback on the MCS-RCN, MCS implementation, and general comments before, during, and for a few weeks after the Townhall through our feedback form.

Visit to learn more about the MCS.

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