Operations Planning Committees
Oversees operational needs of SZ4D and provide scientific guidance for designing the necessary facilities
The Operations Planning Committee (OPC) went through reorganization in early 2024 and now includes two committees: OPC for Activities (OPC-A) and OPC for Infrastructure (OPC-I). See below the charges for each committee.

Schematic of major instrumental arrays and activities of SZ4D. (Katy Cain/Carnegie Institution for Science)
OPC for Activities
OPC-A is charged with oversight, coordination, and integration of activities and data to complement physical infrastructure planning. For the purpose of this charge, “activities” means field, laboratory, modeling, and imaging scientific activities.
The charge includes:
Identify and plan for high priority experimental, field, & modeling activity needs from Implementation Plan that are not currently being addressed
Work with CIC and SC to identify PIs and funding sources for high priority needs
Respond to evolving scientific priorities of activity-focused working groups (MCS, … ) or similar groups in future center organizations.
Support and advise organizational SZ4D facility activity proposals during development including data management plans and non-instrumentation facility plans
Develop data management and sharing plans and protocols that proactively promotes data assimilation needs
Support development of physical sample storage and dissemination
Support development of and sustained access to Cyberinfrastructure
Advise operations of funded organizational proposals for activities, including advising on the implementation of the data management plans
This role should include a regular reporting schedule for all funded organizational collaborative activities
OPC for Infrastructure
OPC-I is charged with oversight of planning for SZ4D infrastructure construction and operation, including:
MultiArray (Chile),
Onshore/offshore domestic instrumentation,
Physical Infrastructure required for GeoArray,
Physical Infrastructure required for modeling,
Physical Infrastructure required for experiments and sample archiving.
Physical Infrastructure required for data management
Other physical infrastructure identified by OPC-A or WGs.
The OPC-I will support the development of SZ4D infrastructure proposals by:
Making informed recommendations to proposal development teams (based on scientific guidance and technical guidance as appropriate and in reference to the Implementation Plan and Array Success Criteria) regarding:
Instrument types, numbers, models, etc
Deployment locations (blobs-to-targets-to-dots) and modes (e.g., telemetry, power, logistics, etc)
Staffing requirements for infrastructure construction and operation
Making informed recommendations on the relative priority of competing infrastructure needs
Reviewing and overseeing infrastructure proposal budgets (for completeness, bloat, accuracy)
Developing and implementing a change control process for MultiArray and domestic onshore/offshore deployments.
OPC-I will report regularly to the Steering Committee (through a co-Chair) on its activities.
OPC-I will regularly coordinate with other SZ4D committees and external groups:
Solicit scientific guidance from WGs as a basis for recommendations to infrastructure proposal PIs and to Steering Committee
Solicit technical guidance from infrastructure vendors, relevant facilities (OBSIC, Earthscope, RAPID, etc), and community members with relevant expertise
OPC-I should also synchronize with facilities and projects related to SZ4D (Earthscope, OBSIC, CRESCENT, etc) to remain knowledgeable about and responsive to complementary infrastructure efforts.
OPC-I should synchronize with OPC-A to remain knowledgeable about developing data management plans and other infrastructure needed to support activities.
Committee Members
Helen Janiszewski | OPC-A | Data | University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa | hajanisz@hawaii.edu | |
Sergio Sepulveda | OPC-I | Simon Fraser University | sergio_sepulveda@sfu.ca | ||
Beatrice Magnani | OPC-I | Southern Methodist University | mmagnani@mail.smu.edu | ||
Diane Rivet | OPC-I | SurfArray | GeoAzur | diane.rivet@geoazur.unice.fr | |
Lalo Guerrero | OPC-A | Data | DOGAMI | Lalo.GUERRERO@dogami.oregon.gov | |
Jon Major | OPC-I | VolcArray | US Geological Survey | jjmajor@usgs.gov | |
Anne Trehu | OPC-I | MegaArray | Oregon State University | anne.trehu@oregonstate.edu | |
Aaron Wech* | OPC-A | US Geological Survey | awech@usgs.gov | ||
Anne Soquet | OPC-I | MegaArray | Université Grenoble Alpes | anne.socquet@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr | |
Bertrand Potin | OPC-I | MegaArray, VolcArray | University of Chile Santiago | bertrand.potin@uchile.cl | |
Allan Lerner | OPC-I | VolcArray | US Geological Survey | alerner@usgs.gov | |
Jeff Freymueller* | OPC-I | MegaArray, VolcArray | Michigan State University | freymuel@msu.edu | |
Sean Gallen | OPC-I | SurfArray | Colorado State University | sean.gallen@colostate.edu | |
Andy Newman | OPC-I | MegaArray | Georgia Tech | anewman@gatech.edu | |
Christine Regalla | OPC-A | Human Dep | Northern Arizona University | christine.regalla@nau.edu | |
Zack Spica | OPC-I | MegaArray, VolcArray | University of Michigan | zspica@umich.edu | |
Chad Trabant | OPC-A | Data | EarthScope | chad.trabant@earthscope.org | |
Doug Wiens* | OPC-I | MegaArray | Washington U in St. Louis | doug@wustl.edu | |
Lindsay Worthington | OPC-I | MegaArray | University New Mexico | lworthington@unm.edu | |
Stella Moreiras | OPC-I and OPC-A | SurfArray, Human Dep | CONICET | moreiras@mendoza-conicet.gob.ar | |
Dave Mencin | OPC-A | Data | EarthScope | david.mencin@earthscope.org | |
Daniel Melnick | OPC-I | SurfArray, Human Dep | Universidad Austral de Chile | daniel.melnick@uach.cl | |
Alice Gabriel | OPC-A | Modeling | UC San Diego | algabriel@ucsd.edu | |
Melodie French* | OPC-A | Lab | Rice University | mefrench@rice.edu | |
Chris Crosby | OPC-A | SurfArray, Data | EarthScope | chris.crosby@earthscope.org | |
Loreto Cordova | OPC-I | VolcArray | SERNAGEOMIN | loreto.cordova@sernageomin.cl | |
Paul Bodin | OPC-I | MegaArray, VolcArray | University of Washington | bodin@uw.edu | |
Thorsten Becker | OPC-A | Modeling | UTIG Austin | twb@ig.utexas.edu | |
Juan-Carlos Baez | OPC-I | MegaArray, SurfArray, VolcArray | University of Chile | jcbaez@csn.uchile.cl |
*Committee Co-Chairs