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Welcome to the SCIENCE HUB 

Promoting Cutting-Edge Subduction Zone Science

A platform designed to showcase cutting-edge subduction zone research, foster engagement, and inspire collaboration within the SZ4D community and beyond.

 Explore our dynamic collection of resources to discover the latest advances in 

Subduction Science


science nuggets

Showcase your Science

Would you like to contribute? If you have research to share, we’d love to feature your work. Submit your slide, and we’ll include it in the Science Hub! Science nuggets remain posted for six months to keep the platform's content current and relevant. If you’d like to update or replace your slides, just let us know!

Tiegan Hobbs

Characterizing and communicating Canadian seismic risk

Lingci Zeng, L. Ye, H. Yao, W. Liu, D. Si, T. Lay, T. Yang

Narrow intermediate-depth seismogenic band related to flexural strain in relatively dry Peruvian flat slab

Leif Karlstrom, N. Klema, G. Grant, C. Finn, P. Sullivan, S. Cooley, A. Simpson, B. Fasth, K. Cashman, K. Ferrier, L. Ball, D. McKary

State shifts in the deep Critical Zone drive landscape evolution in volcanic terrains

Cailey Condit

Syn-subduction metasedimentary mélange forms through differential silica precipitation and does not host slow slip

Tianhaozhe Sun

A thin and weak Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) inferred from crustal deformation following the 2011 Mw=9 Tohoku Earthquake

Behnaz Hosseini, M. Myers

Modeling melt embayment H2O, CO2, S gradients for magma decompression

Joe Dufek

Basal force fluctuations and granular rheology: Linking macroscopic descriptions of granular flows to bed forces with implications for monitoring signals

Xuesong Ding

Is it possible to predict past slab dips from geological record?

Philipp Ruprecht

The interplay of surface evolution, shallow magmatism, a large hydrothermal system, and hazards at Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Volcanic Complex, Chile

Noah Finnegan

A creep transient in a large rock slope failure triggered by a single storm event

Diana Roman

Event classification, seismicity, and eruption forecasting at Great Sitkin Volcano, Alaska: 1999–2023

Gaspard Farge, E. Brodsky

Deep connections across the system: desynchronization of slab tremor by crustal earthquakes

Janine Andrys, E. Cottrell, K. Kelley, L. Waters, M. Coombs

Insights on arc magmatic systems drawn from natural melt inclusions and crystallization experiments at PH2O=800 MPa and oxidizing conditions

Maleen Kidiwela, K-F. Feng, M. Denolle, W. Wilcock

Long-term signatures of interseismic deformation within Cascadia subduction zone using ambient noise interferometry

Christine Regalla, G. Abers, M. Myers

SZ4D GeoArray first test collective field data gathering deployment, Ashland Oregon

Mark Behn

Upcoming cruise to chain transform fault

Brandon Schmandt, L. Schaible

Seismic evidence that seasonal ice break-up transiently increases the erosive efficiency of waterfalls

Kathleen McKee, C. Cauley, Y. Li, E. Rojas-Kolomiets, B. Hosseini, K. Daly, A. Ward, D. Roman, P. Wieser, P. Wallace, T. Fischer, J. Power, T. Plank, S. Carn

Investigating the relationship between deep long-period earthquakes and volatile saturation depth and exsolution in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone


science corner

Share Your Research with the SZ4D Community

The Science Corner is a dedicated space within CONVERGENCE, the SZ4D quarterly e-newsletter. Do you have compelling research to share? We're inviting contributions to our Science Corner, a dedicated section featuring diverse subduction zone geohazards topics from around the world. Whether you've secured new funding, published a paper, or returned from the field with exciting discoveries, we want to hear from you!


We invite contributions from researchers at all career stages and encourage multilingual submissions to reach our global community. If you have exciting science to share, review our submission guidelines and get in touch!

Mar 20, 2025

by Yihe Huang (University of Michigan)

Advancing Earthquake Physics through Direct Observations of Fault Zone Structures in Subduction Zones

Dec 6, 2024

by Noah Finnegan (UC Santa Cruz)

Seasonal slow slip in landslides as a window into the frictional rheology of creeping shear zones

Oct 1, 2024

by Bar Oryan (Scripps UCSD)

Megathrust locking encoded in subduction landscapes

Sep 24, 2024

by Leoncio Cabrera (Universidad de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)

Forecasting Volcanic Eruptions Using Machine Learning

Jun 25, 2024

by William Frank (MIT)

What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency

Jun 25, 2024

by Philipp Ruprecht (University of Nevada Reno)

Pilot study of the interplay of geohazards at Cordón Caulle in Southern Chile


reading list

Looking to stay current on subduction zone geohazards research? The SZ4D Reading List is a curated collection of the latest peer-reviewed publications relevant to the SZ4D community.


The list is regularly updated to reflect new research across a wide range of disciplines.

Would you like to include your recent published paper to the list? Email us today

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