For a more inclusive science community and a broader understanding of geohazards to address social justice and equity issues in hazard mitigation
SZ4Grads is a collaborative, interdisciplinary, and intercultural network for graduate students and recent graduates studying subduction zone processes. We are under the umbrella of SZ4D and part of the Building Equity and Capacity with Geoscience (BECG) integrative group. Our community is composed of graduate students, post-docs, and non-faculty researchers (<5 years from their terminal degree) from different disciplines and backgrounds.
In the last year we have been working towards our main three goals:
coordinating collaboration,
improving the accessibility in getting involved in SZ4D,
and forging mentorship and skill development opportunities.
Our work aims to increase the visibility of early-career researchers in subduction zone science and their research, and to open opportunities for a more equitable and inclusive community. For that reason, we have many opportunities that you can be a part of: we started a webinar series aiming to highlight SZ4Grads’ work, organizing mentorship programs and skill development opportunities, working on guaranteeing and supporting SZ4Grads representation in SZ4D committees, and developing online platforms for community building and networking.
Get involved
There are many ways for you to get involved or stay informed!
Sign up now to join SZ4Grads, share your input, plan to attend our webinar series, follow us on social media
SZ4Grads Researcher Spotlight
The SZ4Grads Executive Committee wants to highlight the diverse work and interests of graduate students and graduates pursuing subduction zone research. If you are a graduate student, recent graduate/post-doc, or early-career researcher interested in being featured on our Twitter page.
Upcoming Events & Activities
Check for SZ4Grads events and other activities of interest to the SZ4Grads Community
Group Members
Kate Scholz | University of Oregon | kscholz@uoregon.edu | |
Madeleine Lucas | University of Washington | mlucas12@uw.edu | |
Emma Burkett | University of New Hampshire | emma.burkett@unh.edu |